Make sense, Thank you Mani. I appreciate your time and effort.

ThanksArunkumar Pichaimuthu, PMP 

    On Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 1:18:24 AM CDT, Manikumar 
<> wrote:  
 These metrics are meter type metrics, which tracks  count, mean rate,  1-,
5-, and 15-minute moving averages.
You maybe observing count measure, which gives number of events which have
been marked.
You can try monitoring 1/5/15 miniture averages.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 12:33 AM Arunkumar <>

> Hi All,
> I am seeing  IsrShrinksPerSec & IsrExpandsPerSec increases (>0) when one
> or more brokers goes down and comes back up into the cluster. But the
> values should get back to 0 once the servers catches up, is my
> understanding after reading most of the documents. But in our production
> environment (3 node cluster) these values does not reduce and keeps
> increasing. This keeps throwing alerts every few seconds. Any insight is
> highly appreciated.
> Thanks in advanceArunkumar Pichaimuthu, PMP

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