Thanks, I´ll do some additional digging. Not sure if it´s relevant, but for
the record numerical offset based resetting works like a charm.

2018-06-19 23:42 GMT+02:00 Emmett Butler <>:

> Thanks! I ask because I think it's possible that only having a single log
> segment (as your partition does) hamstrings the functionality of
> reset_offsets(). I haven't verified this experimentally, but I think it's
> possible. Maybe someone on the Kafka users group has insight.
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 1:55 AM, Moe <> wrote:
>> Thanks for getting back to me so speedily. To be frank, I do not know how
>> log segments differ from logs.
>> *# This is a view into my logs folder:*
>> *# And this is the view into that folder for my offset_retrieval_test.001
>> partition (the topic in question):*
>> Please let me know if this isn't what you were asking for! The topic has
>> been auto created so all settings are default (7 days retention if my
>> memory serves me right, but I'm sure you know that better than me).
>> I appreciate the time and effort,
>> Moritz
>> 2018-06-18 18:27 GMT+02:00 Emmett Butler <>:
>>> How many log segments does this partition have, and what are the
>>> retention settings for the topic? You can find the log segments by looking
>>> in the directory pointed to by the log.dirs server configuration.
>>> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 7:43 AM, Moe <> wrote:
>>>> *# Sorry, I should have mentioned that the timestamp I use is  one I
>>>> read from the server gui*
>>>> Am Montag, 18. Juni 2018 16:39:50 UTC+2 schrieb Moe:
>>>>> *Hi,*
>>>>> *I'm struggling to implement a time(stamp) based reset_offset and am
>>>>> hoping someone here can show me the light. In essence when I call
>>>>> reset_offset with a timestamp I get *
>>>>> *"OffsetOutOfRangeError" *
>>>>> *# Setup:*
>>>>> - Kafka:
>>>>> Kafka==1.1.0 (also tried with 1.0.0) running in Docker
>>>>> (Wurstmeister/Kafka image)
>>>>> - Consumer/Producer:
>>>>> Ubuntu17.04
>>>>> pykafka2.7.0
>>>>> python3.6
>>>>> *# Kafka Connection*
>>>>> client = KafkaClient(hosts='',
>>>>> broker_version="1.0.0")
>>>>> topic = client.topics['offset_retrieval_test.001'.encode()]
>>>>> *# Producer*
>>>>> delivery_reports=False
>>>>> auto_start=True
>>>>> linger_ms=10.0
>>>>> ksp = topic.get_producer(delivery_reports=delivery_reports,linger_
>>>>> ms=linger_ms,auto_start=auto_start)
>>>>> for i in range(100):
>>>>>     dict_obj = {
>>>>>         'time': time.time(),
>>>>>         'value': i
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     data = json.dumps(dict_obj)
>>>>>     ksp.produce(data.encode())
>>>>>     time.sleep(0.25)
>>>>> *# This results in data being written to my Kafka Server as follows:*
>>>>> *# But when I call reset offset such as:*
>>>>> offset_ts = int(time.mktime(time.strptime('2018-06-18 15:33:22',
>>>>> '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))*1000)
>>>>> consumer.reset_offsets([(topic.partitions[0],offset_ts)])
>>>>> while True:
>>>>>     message = consumer.consume()
>>>>>     dict_obj = json.loads(message.value)
>>>>>     print(dict_obj)
>>>>> *# I get the below error and a reset to 0*
>>>>> *# Potentially related; printing the message timestamp (as below)
>>>>> results in 0 being printed*
>>>>> while True:
>>>>>     message = consumer.consume()
>>>>>     dict_obj = json.loads(message.value)
>>>>>     print(message.timestamp)
>>>>> *Thanks a million,*
>>>>> Moritz
>>>>> --
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>>> Emmett Butler | Senior Software Engineer
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> --
> Emmett Butler | Senior Software Engineer
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