Can anyone here help me please? I am at my wit's end. I now have
max.poll.records set to just 2. Still I am getting Auto offset commit
failed warning. Log file is getting full because of this warning. Session
timeout is 5 minutes, is 10 minutes.

On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 12:42 PM Shantanu Deshmukh <>

> Hello,
> We have a 3 broker Kafka cluster. There we have 3 topics with 10
> partitions each. We have an application which spawns threads as consumers.
> We spawn 5 consumers for each topic. I am observing that consider group
> randomly keeps rebalancing. Then many times we see logs saying "Revoking
> partitions for". This happens almost every 10 minutes. Consumption during
> this time completely stops.
> I have applied this configuration
> max.poll.records 20
> 10000
> 6000
> Still this did not help. Strange thing is I observed consumer writing logs
> saying "auto commit failed because poll() loop spent too much time
> processing records" even when there was no data in partition to process. We
> have polling interval of 500 ms, specified as argument in poll(). Initially
> I had set same consumer group for all three topics' consumers. Then I
> specified different CGs for different topics' consumers. Even this is not
> helping.
> I am trying to search over the web, checked my code, tried many
> combinations of configuration but still no luck. Please help me.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Shantanu Deshmukh

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