Could anyone please help?
Am 21.05.2018 um 10:56 schrieb chw: > Hi everybody, > > the communication between the client and the broker is unclear to me. > The documentation states: > >> The client initiates a socket connection and then writes a sequence of >> request messages and reads back the corresponding response message. No >> handshake is required on connection or disconnection. > Does the client hold the TCP connection for its whole livecycle? That > is, the client connects once to the broker and keeps the connection for > all subsequent requests/messages (as opposed to a HTTP request)? > > As I know, the TCP requires a 3-way handshake to establish a connection. > However, the documentation states that no handskake is required. Could > anybody explain that point in more detail? > >> TCP is happier if you maintain persistent connections used for many >> requests to amortize the cost of the TCP handshake, but beyond this >> penalty connecting is pretty cheap. > I do not understand what the purpose of this sentence is. On the one > hand, TCP is explained a little. On the other hand, a justification > concerning performance is made. But: none of this information helps the > user. Should I, as user, ensure that a connection is maintained > persistently or does Kafka do that for me? > > It would be great, if someone could update the documentation accordingly. > > Regards, > Christian > >