
We have cross data center replication. Using Kafka mirror maker we are
replicating data from our primary cluster to backup cluster. Problem arises
when we start operating from backup cluster, in case of drill or actual
outage. Data gathered at backup cluster needs to be reverse-replicated to
primary. To do that I can only think of two options. 1) Use a different CG
every time for mirror maker 2) Purge topics so that data sent by primary
doesn't get replicated back to primary again due to reverse replication.

We have opted for purging Kafka topics which are under replication. I use
kafka-topics.sh --alter command to set retention of topic to 5 seconds to
purge data. But this doesn't see to be a fool proof mechanism. Thread
responsible for doing this every minute, and even if it runs it's not sure
to work as there are multiple conditions. That, segment should be full or
certain time should have passed to roll a new segment. It so happened
during one such drill to move to backup cluster, purge command was issued
and we waited for 5 minutes. Still data wasn't purged. Due to this we faced
data duplication when reverse replication started.

Is there a better way to achieve this?

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