
I leader change is a retryable error. What is your producer config for
`retries`? You might want to increase it such that the producer does not
throw the exception immediately but retries couple of times -- you might
also want to adjust `` that sets the time to wait until
the producer retries.


On 5/15/18 6:30 AM, Claudia Wegmann wrote:
> Hey there,
> I've got a few Kafka Streams services which run smoothly most of the time. 
> Sometimes, however, some of them get an exception "Abort sending since an 
> error caught with a previous record" (see below for a full example). The 
> Stream Service having this exception just stops its work altogether. After 
> restarting it, the service starts to process all the messages that piled up 
> and all is fine again. Is it possible for the Kafka Streams service to 
> recover from such a situation itself?
> Thx for the input and best regards,
> Claudia
> A example stacktrace:
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07Exception in thread 
> "test-service-a19c940e-beee-486d-8ec0-2d06dc869f88-StreamThread-1" 
> org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: task [0_10] Abort sending 
> since an error caught with a previous record (key 
> 25:1001:152401f272ae48658197cbfeda008967 value [B@11e6d177 timestamp 
> 1526382782489) to topic test-service-CountBasedSlidingWindowStore-changelog 
> due to org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException: This 
> server is not the leader for that topic-partition..
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordCollectorImpl$1.onCompletion(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ProducerBatch.completeFutureAndFireCallbacks(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ProducerBatch.done(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender.failBatch(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender.failBatch(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender.completeBatch(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender.handleProduceResponse(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender.access$100(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.Sender$1.onComplete(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.ClientResponse.onComplete(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient.completeResponses(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient.poll(
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at 
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07     at
> 15.5.2018 13:13:07Caused by: 
> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException: This server is 
> not the leader for that topic-partition.

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