
>From Kafka, we can configure  producer/consumer jaas configuration
using "sasl.jaas.config"  config property. Using this we can configure
different principals.

On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 10:58 PM, Zieger, Antoine <
antoine.zie...@morganstanley.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to transfer data between two kerberized kafka clusters. The
> brokers are running under different users on both clusters and so, I am
> providing a different Kerberos.service.name to consumer and producer. For
> security reasons and access management rules in places, having the same
> principal on both sides is not possible. Whenever I start my java program I
> get the error "principals don't match"
> My understanding is that kafka mirror-maker is doing the same thing and
> does not support different principals. (https://community.
> hortonworks.com/articles/79891/kafka-mirror-maker-best-practices.html )
> "In kafka 0.9.x and,, consumers and producers in
> mirror-maker cannot run with different principals/keytabs as they both run
> inside a single JVM"
> As I understand it this is a Kafka API limitation right? I looked at the
> release notes of versions > and didn't see any ticket that
> resolved this, unless I missed it?
> By any chance are you aware of a workaround? Or the only solution in case
> of two different principals is to have two different JVMs? (one for the
> consumer and one for the producer, which means we need some kind of buffer
> in between).
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Antoine
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