Hey guys,

thanks for the answers so far. I got your points. I would recommend to add a 
hint like „Don’t use /tmp as default in production. Please change this 
parameter in a production environment“. They are doing this with other 
parameters like the replication factor in the documenation, too.

Best regards


> Am 18.04.2018 um 20:46 schrieb Peter Bukowinski <pmb...@gmail.com>:
> I believe that default parameters should help people new to a product get a 
> test instance running relatively easily. Setting the log.dir to temp aligns 
> with this philosophy.
> Once you’re out of a testing phase, you’ll hopefully be familiar enough with 
> the product to set appropriate values for config parameters.
> That being said, perhaps this particular config parameter should be 
> highlighted for update when moving to production.
> -- Peter Bukowinski
>> On Apr 18, 2018, at 11:27 AM, adrien ruffie <adriennolar...@hotmail.fr> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Marc,
>> I think it's depends rather on "log.dirs" parameter. Because this parameter 
>> would prefer to use in more convenient case, "log.dir" parameter is 
>> secondary.
>> logs.dirs: The directories in which the log data is kept. If not set, the 
>> value in log.dir is used
>> log.dir: The directory in which the log data is kept (supplemental for 
>> log.dirs property)
>> It's obvious that the "logs.dirs" parameter should be used preferably, 
>> before "log.dir".
>> and the "log.dir" is just used to make sure that writing is possible at a 
>> place where rights are most often allowed.
>> best regards,
>> Adrien
>> ________________________________
>> De : Marc van den Bogaard <mailingl...@neozo.de>
>> Envoyé : mercredi 18 avril 2018 17:43:07
>> À : users@kafka.apache.org
>> Objet : Default kafka log.dir /tmp | tmp-file-cleaner process
>> Hey guys,
>> when I look in the kafka documentation 
>> (https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/ 
>> <https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/>) the default log.dir for the kafka 
>> logs is /tmp.
>> Could someone please tell me why? Because if you don’t change this you 
>> probably get some issues regarding the tmp-file-cleaner process
>> which is running on most of the nix-systems and deletes files under /tmp 
>> (e.g. older than 10 days which were not touched). We already had some 
>> problems and segment files where removed which caused kafka to crash. So we 
>> changed this configuration so something like /var/lib/kafka/data/… I didn’t 
>> find anyone else with this problem nor information regarding this.
>> Best regards
>> Marc

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