Can you take a look at KAFKA-6156 and see if your cluster had the same
issue ?


On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 7:50 AM, ishwar panjari <>

> HI,
> After configuration the kafka and zookeeper. it is not displaying the
> kafka.consumer metrics.
> I am not able to see the following metrics.
> kafka.server:type=FetcherLagMetrics,name=ConsumerLag,clientId=([-.\w]+)
> ,topic=([-.\w]+),partition=([0-9]+)
> I am using the following version.
> *kafka:*  kafka_2.10-
> *zookeeper:  *zookeeper-3.4.6
> i have follow this URL to setup:
> I connected with JConsole and verity but its not displaying the
> "FetcherLagMetrics" nor consumer metrics.
> any body can guide, why FetcherLagMetrics of consumer is not displaying in
> JConsole?
> Or is there any way to get this metrics?
> --
> Thank You
> Ishwar Panjari
> Java Developer
> Cell: +91 8147085870
> Skype: ishwar1987
> Email:

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