
Kafka Streams supports two types of punctuation: event-time and
wall-clock time punctuation. Wall-clock time punctuation will be called
even if event-time does not progress and even if there is no new input
data available for processing. Not sure if this is what you are looking for.

Beside this, Processor API exposes record metadata information. Thus,
you can plugin a custom `transform()` step to access and maintain the
information/stats you are interested in (The provided `context` object
from `init()` is your friend for this.) and maybe make it queryable via
Interactive Queries?

Hope this helps.


On 4/2/18 11:26 AM, dan bress wrote:
> I have an app that is consuming multiple topics, and punctuating on stream
> time.  I know that punctuate is driven by the min time of all the
> partitions of all the topics driving the transformer that I am punctuating
> on.  When I deploy my app and punctuate is not called as I expect, what
> tools do I have to understand where time is per
> instance/thread/topic/partition?  Does Kafka Streams expose stats for this?
> I would like something like a stat of something like:
> Kafka Streams Instance / Kafka Stream Thread / Topic / Partition /
> EventTime = 1522693495291
> Then I can look at which topic/partition is lagging to debug my problem.
> Does something like this exist?  Is this a reasonable feature request?
> Thanks!
> Dan

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