Hi Peter!

Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation. I will enable the Jumbo Frame 

Thanks again for your time and have a Happy Easter! 😉



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Il giorno 31 mar 2018, alle ore 17:39, Peter Bukowinski 
<pmb...@gmail.com<mailto:pmb...@gmail.com>> ha scritto:

Hi Alex,

Jumbo frames are a function the network layer. Kafka operates at a higher level 
in the stack and is thus not aware of ethernet frame sizes. It will work fine 
as long as all network interfaces and devices in your kafka data path are set 
to support jumbo frames. If the end-to-end is not set to jumbo frames, you will 
most likely see dropped or fragmented packets.

Peter Bukowinski

 On Mar 31, 2018, at 6:51 AM, Pena Quijada Alexander <a.penaquij...@reply.it> 

 Hi all,

 My name is Alexander, a Linux System Administrator. I'm using Kafka for the 
Big Data proposes, and I'm wondering if the Kafka Brokers servers, are 
compatible with the Jumbo Frames option enabled in the network cards that we 
use to communicate with the Cluster? We wish to enable this new features in 
order to increase our Network performance and set the MTU parameter to 9000.

 At the moment we use Kafka version: 0.10.0.

 Many thanks in advance for the kind cooperation.

 Kind regards and happy Easter!

 Alexander Pena Quijada


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