Hi all, We performed a kafka benchmark (BM) in order to figure out the maximum throughput (TP) available with the given kafka brokers and disks.
*kafka brokers setup (machine spec & disks):* 3 kafka brokers, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz, 8 cores. each broker has sdb device mounted to /var/kafka, in size 14.6T. the sdb device is combined of 16 SAS disks ~1TB in RAID-10. which means 8 disks are used as parity. *kafka producer configuration:* - key=string, value=byteArray - enable.auto.commit=false - buffer.memory=500000000 - batch.size=262144 - retry.backoff.ms=5 - linger.ms=20000 - retries=0 - compression.type=lz4 - acks=1 *kafka topic configuration* 100 partitions, balanced between all 3 brokers replication factor = 3 *how the kafka BM was performed* we injected messages using a proprietary KakkaInjector tool messages. the messages were in size ~1K and were sent into all 100 partitions (equally) for consecutive 2.5 hours. the BM goal was to see what's the maximal TP that can be achieved without reaching more than ~80%-85% IO utilization%. *kafka BM results (throughput and IO utilization%)* [image: enter image description here] <https://i.stack.imgur.com/DdWMI.png> so with ~85% IO utilization in all 3 brokers, the rate of messages/sec was 550,000 msgs being read & 550,000 msgs being written. If we look at the TP in kB measures, then all 3 brokers reached tota of 380 rKB/s and 495 wKB/s. *my questions* these results were achieved with 3 kafka brokers X 16 SAS disks X 1TB. we want to reach ~1.5M messages/sec instead of the current rate of 550K msgs/sec. so my question is: - is adding more disks to each broker will increase linearly the number of msgs being read and written? - is adding more brokers with the same disks setup will increase linearly the number of msgs being read and written? - if we change the RAID from RAID-10 to RAID-0, will the TP increase by 2X? - if we change the disks from SAS to SSD will it increase the TP? Thanks