Thanks Jim, that article gives me a lot of inspiration.
原始邮件 发件人:Jim 收件人 发送时间:2018年3月28日(周三) 03:07 主题:Re: Upgrade choice between 0.11.0 and 1.0.1 After reading the blog from Neha I moved to the 1.0 platform in production .. Jim ///////////// On 3/27/18, 7:07 AM, "" wrote: Hi, we are planning to upgrade our kafka cluster to benefit from the new feature of transactional processing. There are two alternatives: 0.11.0 and 1.0.1 so far. Maybe I didn’t look into the new changes so deeply but I notice that 1.0 haven't add some new features makes it so distinguishable from old versions (like streams in 0.10 and transaction event in 0.11). So it makes me wander is there any upgrade version plan like 0.12 that continue with 0. Could anyone give me some advices about the upgrade version choice. Should I stick with 0.11 version or just upgrade to 1.x version? Plus, I notice that on github there is no 0.12 version yet, so I suppose 1.0.1 is a better choice?