Can you post the stack trace for NetworkException (pastebin) ?

Please also check the broker logs to see if there was some clue around the
time this happened.


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 9:30 AM, M Singh <>

> Hi:
> I am working with spark 2.2.1 and spark kafka 0.10 client integration with
> Kafka brokers using 0.11.
> I get the exception - org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NetworkException:
> The server disconnected before a response was received - when the
> application is trying to write to a topic. This exception kills the spark
> application.
> Based on some similar issues I saw on the web I've added the following
> kafka configuration but it has not helped.
> acks = 0
> = 45000
> receive.buffer.bytes = 1024000
> I've posted this question to apache spark users list but have not received
> any response.  If anyone has any suggestion/pointers, please let me know.
> Thanks

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