Hi, I've been recently exploring log handling in kafka and I wonder if/how can I mixed log compaction with log rotation. A little background first: I have an application that uses kafka topics as a backend for event sourcing. Messages represents change of state of my 'resources'. Each resource has UID that is also used as a key for the messages. My resources have a lifecycle and when their life ends I don't need them anymore and there is no point in keeping their history. Having said that I thought that best choice for me will be log compaction with tombstone feature but I also would like to have a possibility to keep history of changes for the resources(only until they die). With those requirements I'd love to have a possibility to use tombstone feature for log rotation but I guess it ain't working like that.
Does anyone here had similar requirements and solve that somehow ? Sincerely, Tomasz Kopacki DevOps Engineer @ Nokia