Nice paper to read and cool usage of Kafka. Thanks for sharing Afonso :)


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 1:13 PM, Afonso Mukai <> wrote:

> Hi Hannes,
> We will use Kafka here at the European Spallation Source (the facility is
> currently under construction) to stream data from neutron detectors and
> other experimental station equipment to consumers (the EPICS forwarding
> software mentioned by Eric covers the sources other than detectors). From
> Kafka the data follow two different paths:
>   - For online reduction and visualisation, data will be consumed directly
> from Kafka topics by the applications performing these tasks.
>   - A separate consumer (
> subscribes to these data and writes them to HDF5 files, for subsequent
> offline reduction and analysis.
> An overview of the system architecture is given in
> Best regards,
> Afonso
> On 12/03/2018, 19:49, "Berryman, Eric" <> wrote:
>     The European Spallation Source [1] seems to be using it for this case
> [2].
>     I am also using this code [2], but only for visualization in another
> "data center".
>     [1]
>     [2]
>     Thank you!
>     Eric
>     ________________________________
>     From: Hannes Petri <>
>     Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 1:37:29 PM
>     To:
>     Subject: Using Kafka to build a streaming platform for a research
> facility?
>     Hi,
>     I work at a research facility where numerous hi-res detectors produce
> thousands of GB of data every day. We want to build a highly flexible and
> performant streaming platform for storing, transmitting and routing the
> data. For example, detector output needs to end up:
>     1. In permanent storage systems
>     2. In realtime or semi-realtime visualization software
>     3. In post-processing and analysis software
>     4. In metrics software
>     ...and possibly more. Now I'm exploring Kafka as an option to back
> such a platform.
>     Would Kafka be a good fit? The reason I'm asking is because among the
> use cases, I've mostly seen Kafka being used with more lightweight data,
> geared towards business events and high frequency streams of text and
> scalars. In other words, *more* but *smaller* messages.
>     In my situation, we'd be looking at low frequency but huge files
> (typically these detectors produce one large file at a time). In order not
> to flood the storage, raw data topics would need to have a very short
> retention time (hours to days).
>     Does anybody have experience in using Kafka in a similar scenario?
> What are your thoughts about the situation I describe? Would we benefit
> from using Kafka?
>     I highly appreciate any input on this. Many thanks in advance.
>     Best regards
>     Hannes
>     Sent from my iPhone

-- Guozhang

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