Indeed, solution 2 seems feasible using db transaction (e.g. Cassandra batch) 
to include an offset update.
A sophisticated implementation is for instance under the hood of 
 but a "manual" implementation just on top of consumer seems feasible:
- on new partition during subscribe or rebalance, get the latest offset for 
partition from db and do consumer.seek on the partition to that offset
(using only onPartitionsAssigned rebalancing callback passed to subscribe - 
does it include the initial partitions allocation to a consumer, at subscribe 
- repeat
  - poll a batch of messages from kafka
  - compute the results
  - update the db with results and offset in same transaction

I would have a few questions:
- does the plan sound ok to you?
- is there a risk that messages coming from the same partition reach multiple 
consumers doing poll if a rebalancing moves a partition?
- is it indeed sufficient to use onPartitionsAssigned and not 
onPartitionsRevoked (given we update offset in transaction with a batch of 
results only)
- does onPartitionsAssigned cover the startup/subscribe phase - the initial 
partitions with which the consumer starts?
- if we would have a batch of messages from a single partition, we could have 
smaller transactions - a way I think about is doing consumer.pause in 
onPartitionsAssigned, and in the main loop, iterate through partitions and 
resume one partition, do poll, process, then next partition, in rotation?

Thank you,
Nicu Marasoiu
From: Marasoiu, Nicu
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 8:58 AM
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: transactional behavior offsets+effects

We would consider one of 2 or 3 flows to ensure an "exactly once" process from 
an input kafka topic to a database storing results (using kafka consumer, but 
also evaluated kafka streams and details at the end) and wanted to gather your 
input on them:
(for simplicity let's assume that any exception exits the process except if the 
exception comes out of step 5)
The outlined flows are executed in a loop.

First flow/solution:
1. read from kafka
2. start transaction in db
3. update target tables
4. commit transaction
5. commit offset to Kafka
6. if commit offset failed, attempt another transaction to revert the previous 
one in db. (compensate)

Solution 2 - offsets persisted in db in the same transaction, consumer reads 
from explicit offsets at init
If it is possible for the consumer to configure its offsets before starting to 
consume, then this flow would be possible:
0. at consumer process boot, read the latest offsets for partitions from db and 
configs consumer to start from those.
1. read from kafka (first read, from explicit offsets, the next polls just 
2. start transaction in db
3. update target tables
3'. update an "offsets" table, for consumer group and partition id
4. commit transaction (which includes offsets)

Solution 3 - If it would be possible to commit an explicit value of the offset 
to kafka for a (partition, consumer group), not just the current offset, but a 
previously saved one (at step 0), than another flow would be possible, with 4 
and 5 reversed:
4. commit offset to Kafka
5. commit transaction
6. if commit transaction failed, attempt to commit the old offset back to 
kafka. (compensate). Exit or rewind the consumer.

Solution 4 - use Kafka Streams configured with exactly once. This seems to 
imply that the aggregates (the results of the processing), currently stored in 
the db, would also need to be duplicated in kafka as output topics & local 
Rocksdb instances. Since the data volume even on the aggregates is significant, 
we are exploring solutions close to exactly once which would not imply the cost 
of doubly storing the result "tables".

Do you see any other possibility? What do you suggest for improving the options 
above, or what is your advice?
Please advise,
Thank you,
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