Hello, I'm experiencing issues accessing the state stores outside the Kafka stream. My application queries the state store every n seconds using the .all() method to retrieve all key value pairs. I know that the state store might not be available, so I guard against the InvalidStateStoreException and in case it's caught, I simply invoke the .store method on my stream, in order to get a new store. The problem is, that for some reason the store never becomes available.
Some facts: - During that time stream processing works correctly, and it successfully puts and gets data to and from the store. - Stream is in "running" state. I've started logging that because under normal circumstances this exception is being thrown when the stream is in "rebalancing" phase, but after a while it's gone, as expected, so I can distinguish between these two cases. - It only happens when I run my app in multiple instances. I've set the log level to debug, but I can't see anything suspicious in the logs, but maybe there's something particular I should pay attention to? I access the store from inside an Akka actor, to which I pass the reference to KafkaStreams object, if that matters. I ran out of ideas what might have caused that behavior, so any help will be greatly appreciated.