
I´m not using confluent and I´m working with kafka. I have renamed the
properties files with my pattern.

But my question is, i have two brokers each broker can have our own
configuration file for consumer.properties. Because when you execute the
command you can put the number of consumer.properties that brokers you

   1. bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker --consumer.config
   sourceCluster1Consumer.config --consumer.config sourceCluster2Consumer.
   config --num.streams 2 --producer.config targetClusterProducer.config --

So i want that the connection takes the .properties files from each broker
configuration. I have two options:

1) /path/MirrorMaker/<create a config folder>rename my files
sourceCluster1Consumer.config and sourceCluster2Consumer.config
2) use the path from my broker cluster, but i don´t know if that option is
possible. That is my question.

Thanks Maria

On 7 March 2018 at 12:38, Meeiling.Bradley <meeiling.brad...@target.com>

> I would use an absolute file path to property files when starting a mirror
> maker for --consumer.config and --producer.config to point to property
> files. I would also name the property files according to what would be used
> for, for example, I would prefix mirro maker property files with 'mm'.
> Here is an example how I run mirror maker,
> sh <location-of-installed-confluent-kafka>/kafka-mirror-maker
> --consumer.config <location-of-confluent-kafka-
> config-directory>/mm_consumer.properties --producer.config
> <location-of-confluent-kafka-config-directory>/mm_producer.properties
> --whitelist=topic1|topic2
> Meeiling
> On 3/7/18, 5:11 AM, "Maria Pilar" <pilife...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     hi everyone
>     I´m using mirror maker tool and i´m configuring the
> consumer.properties and
>     producer.properties, but i´m not sure which is the place where i need
> to
>     put these files.
>     Because mirrormaker tool is installed into the server with kafka
> manager,
>     and they are two brokers configured as well
>     I think that i need to put the files into the brokers /config folder
>     can anybody help me please?
>     Thanks

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