Hello, i running mirror maker for mirroring data from one cluster to

Now i get this error in log
Feb 25 22:38:56 ld4-27 MirrorMaker[54827]: [2018-02-25 22:38:56,914] ERROR
Error when sending message to topic rc.exchange.jpy with key: 29 bytes,
value: 153 bytes with error:
Feb 25 22:38:56 ld4-27 MirrorMaker[54827]:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 82 record(s) for
rc.exchange.jpy-0: 50381 ms has passed since last append

I use maxintvalue retries in producer config.
Why this message occured. I cant detect any issues.

Best regards,
*Oleg Danilovich*

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