Hi Arunkumar,
have you take a look if your MBean are exposed with Zookeeper thank to JVisualvm yet ? As like in my screen in attachment. regards Adrien ________________________________ De : Arunkumar <pm_arunku...@yahoo.com.INVALID> Envoyé : mardi 27 février 2018 23:19:33 À : users@kafka.apache.org Objet : Zookeeper and Kafka JMX metrics Dear Folks We have plans implementing kafa and zookeeper metrics using java JMX API. We were able to successfully implement metrics collection using the MBean exposed for kafka. But when we try to do so for zookeeper I do not find much API support like we have for kafka. Can someone help if you have any insight. Thanks in advanceArunkumar Pichaimuthu, PMP