Hi Nicu, I think the best you can do is start with an empty dir, that will give you access to a not layered filesystem, but you need to take in consideration that you will stream data every time that the container restart, so a rolling update can be slow.
My suggestion is to check with you platform team, I know them and I am sure they are happy to help, and understand if the restoration time for the data size you plan is acceptable. Regards. On 28 February 2018 at 08:39, Marasoiu, Nicu <nicu.maras...@metrosystems.net > wrote: > Hi, > When using kafka streams & stateful transformations (rocksdb) and docker > and Kubernetes, what are the concerns for storage - I mean, I know that > writing to disk in Docker into the container is less performant than > mounting a direct volume. However, in our setup a separate team is > handling, and theoretically we should be stateless in the microservices > nodes, .. I am just wondering what the performance penalty would be if the > writes would be done without any special concern, > Thank you, > Nicu > Geschäftsanschrift/Business address: METRO SYSTEMS GmbH, Metro-Straße 12, > 40235 Düsseldorf, Germany > Aufsichtsrat/Supervisory Board: Heiko Hutmacher (Vorsitzender/ Chairman) > Geschäftsführung/Management Board: Dr. Dirk Toepfer (Vorsitzender/CEO), > Wim van Herwijnen > Sitz Düsseldorf, Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 18232/Registered Office > Düsseldorf, Commercial Register of the Düsseldorf Local Court, HRB 18232 > > Betreffend Mails von *@metrosystems.net > Die in dieser E-Mail enthaltenen Nachrichten und Anhänge sind > ausschließlich für den bezeichneten Adressaten bestimmt. Sie können > rechtlich geschützte, vertrauliche Informationen enthalten. Falls Sie nicht > der bezeichnete Empfänger oder zum Empfang dieser E-Mail nicht berechtigt > sind, ist die Verwendung, Vervielfältigung oder Weitergabe der Nachrichten > und Anhänge untersagt. Falls Sie diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, > informieren Sie bitte unverzüglich den Absender und vernichten Sie die > E-Mail. > > Regarding mails from *@metrosystems.net > This e-mail message and any attachment are intended exclusively for the > named addressee. They may contain confidential information which may also > be protected by professional secrecy. Unless you are the named addressee > (or authorised to receive for the addressee) you may not copy or use this > message or any attachment or disclose the contents to anyone else. If this > e-mail was sent to you by mistake please notify the sender immediately and > delete this e-mail. > > -- Pegerto Fernandez *Lead Consultant * -- Check out our new blog by Miles Wilson, "Fargate As An Enabler For Serverless Continuous Delivery" <https://goo.gl/2TCHtr> opencredo.com <http://www.opencredo.com/> . Twitter <https://twitter.com/OpenCredo> . LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/company/opencredo> OpenCredo Ltd -- Delivering Software Innovation Registered Office: 5-11 Lavington Street, London, SE1 0NZ Registered in UK. No 3943999