Helo Srikanth,

Thanks for reporting this, as I checked the code
skippedDueToDeserializationError is effectively only recorded when the
DeserializationHandlerResponse is not set to FAIL. I agree it is not
exactly matching the documentation's guidance, and will try to file a JIRA
and fix it.
As for skippedDueToDeserializationError and skipped-records-rate, there is
an open JIRA discussing about this:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6376, just FYI.

Could you share on which version of Kafka did you observe this issue?


On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 6:30 AM, Srikanth <srikanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> As per doc when LogAndContinueExceptionHandler is used it will set
> skippedDueToDeserializationError-rate metric to indicate deserialization
> error.
> I notice that it is never set. Instead skipped-records-rate is set. My
> understanding was that skipped-records-rate is set due to timestamp
> extraction errors.
> Ex, I sent a few invalid records to a topic and was able to see exception
> during deserialization.
> org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing
> Avro message for id -1
> Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Unknown
> magic byte!
> 18/01/24 06:50:09 WARN StreamThread: Exception caught during
> Deserialization, taskId: 0_0, topic: docker.event.1, partition: 0, offset:
> 3764
> These incremented skipped-records-[rate|total].
> Thanks,
> Srikanth

-- Guozhang

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