Hello, We have 5 Kafka brokers and have a service that continuously send events to partitions across these 5 brokers. The configuration works fine but every 90 minutes ~ 120 minutes, we lose several events due to the following exception:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotLeaderForPartitionException: This server is not the leader for that topic-partition. We use KafkaProducer.send() for sending events and since it works most of the time except for these intermittent exceptions, we're not sure what is the problem here. We use 0.10.1 and our producer config is as follows: kafkaProducerConfig={"compression.type":"snappy","buffer.memory":262144000, "batch.size":524288, "request.timeout.ms":60000, "max.request.size":10485760, "linger.ms":500, "metadata.max.age.ms":150000, "metadata.broker.list":"host1:4443,host2:4443,host3:4443,host4:4443,host5:4443"} Could you please comment on what could be causing the issue? -- Atul Mohan <atulmohan....@gmail.com>