Jakhub:  I would like to increase the bandwidth by binding each broke to each 
network card in one machine. Is this feasible?

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "??????";<zhurongjie0...@foxmail.com>;
????????: 2018??1??16??(??????) ????10:14
??????: "users"<users@kafka.apache.org>;

????: one machine that have four network.....

hi guys,
         I have a linux(Centos7) that have four network interface,  and  i'm 
tryying  to build a pseudo-cluster in this machine.
Four cards correspond to four ip??101, 104,105,106), 
and three brokers config :  
three zookeepers: zk1---xxx.104:2181, zk2---xxx:105:2182, zk3---xxx.106:2183.

run zks first, then run in right.
run kafka broker,  then  run in  right.

produce data to this to this pseudo-cluster...Trouble is coming:

sar -n DEV 1:
network-101-- IO(0-1000Mbps)
network-104-- IO(0-10Kbps)
network-105-- IO(0-10kbps)
network-106-- IO(0-10Kbps)

When production data throughput reaches 1000 Mbps, reproduction fails??Then 
unplug the network cable of 101. continue:

sar -n DEV 1:
network-101-- IO(0bps)
network-104-- IO(0-10Kbps)
network-105-- IO(0-10kbps)
network-106-- IO(0-1000Mbps)

what happens, and why??
Would you like to give me some advice, guys? 

Urgent, online and so on

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