Congratulations Matthias ! Very well deserved ! ________________________________ From: Guozhang Wang <> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 11:59:21 PM To:; Subject: [ANNOUNCE] New committer: Matthias J. Sax
Hello everyone, The PMC of Apache Kafka is pleased to announce Matthias J. Sax as our newest Kafka committer. Matthias has made tremendous contributions to Kafka Streams API since early 2016. His footprint has been all over the places in Streams: in the past two years he has been the main driver on improving the join semantics inside Streams DSL, summarizing all their shortcomings and bridging the gaps; he has also been largely working on the exactly-once semantics of Streams by leveraging on the transaction messaging feature in 0.11.0. In addition, Matthias have been very active in community activity that goes beyond mailing list: he's getting the close to 1000 up votes and 100 helpful flags on SO for answering almost all questions about Kafka Streams. Thank you for your contribution and welcome to Apache Kafka, Matthias! Guozhang, on behalf of the Apache Kafka PMC