I've written a Streams application which creates a KTable like this: val myTable: KTable[String, GenericRecord] = myStream .groupByKey() .aggregate(myInitializer, myAdder, myStore)
where myStore was configured like this: val myStore : Materialized[String, GenericRecord, KeyValueStore[Bytes, Array[Byte]]] = Materialized .as("my-store") .withKeySerde(Serdes.String()) .withValueSerde(genericValueSerde) What I'd like to do now is query (read) this store from a separate application. How do I query it in 1.0.0? With a KTable constructor, using the store string as the topic, i.e.: public <K,V> KTable<K,V> table( java.lang.String topic, Materialized<K,V,KeyValueStore<org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Bytes,byte[]>> materialized) Or some other way? I saw this blog post <https://blog.codecentric.de/en/2017/03/interactive-queries-in-apache-kafka-streams/> but it appears to be only applicable to the older version of Kafka (please correct me if I'm wrong). Thanks, Pete