
I have a Kafka server deployed on google cloud VM. It is getting data from
a kafka (python) producer running on a remote machine that is connected to
the VM through a VPN. I added VPN's tunnel interface's IP as advertised
listener in kafka server properties so that client can connect to the kafka
server and start data ingestion.

Now when I stop kafka server, comment out advertised listener from the
properties and restart it, incoming data does not stop. However, recently I
had to restart google cloud machine so I stopped the server and client.
When I restarted the client, I started to get the following error:

Error creating producer object:  getaddrinfo failed for kafka-server:9092,
exception was [Errno 8] hostname nor servname provided, or not known. Is
your advertised.listeners (calledadvertised.host.name before Kafka 9)
correct and resolvable?

After I added advertised listener again, the issue got resolved.

So, I am wondering, why didn't the data stop when I removed 'advertised
listeners' from server properties for the first time? Is this the intended
behavior? Does 'advertised listeners' parameter become ineffective once the
connection is established? How does kafka maintain a connection with the
client even after server restart?

I am using kafka 0.10.1


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