Yes you are probably right. So I was inspired be the KIP 150 blog post, so
the entire statement would be like this:

KTable<Integer,CustomerList> customerGrouped=, customerMessageSerde,

                .groupBy((key,value) ->


                .aggregate(CustomerList::new,(ckey, custMessage,
customerList) -> {
                    return customerList;

The second oddity is beacause I want to gather history, all the previous
records. Exactly the same logic as the shopping cart , purchases and
wishList  described in KIP 150. The result of the joins will contain all
the history for particular key.
You mention repartioning. I also have a feeling thea GlobaKTables are more
suitable for look ups and not what I am trying to do here.
How do I repartition the topics? Is it by using keyed messages or are there
other alternatives? I've noticed that when I run two instances of the
application than each have only half of the records posted to the 4
partitions topic.

I'd be happy to join the slack, do I need an invite?


On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 9:30 PM, Jan Filipiak <>

> There are some oddities in your topology that make make we wonder if they
> are the true drivers of your question.
> java/kstream.demo/
> Feels like it should be a KTable to begin with for example otherwise it is
> not clear how big this is supposed to grow
> java/kstream.demo/
> Same thing for policies. KGlobalTable might be chipped in later if you fat
> up from too many repartitions as some sort of
> performance optimisation, but my opinions on it are not to high.
> Hope that helps, just keep the questions coming, also check if you might
> want to join confluentcommunity on slack.
> Could never imaging that something like a insurance can really be modelled
> as 4 streams ;)
> Best Jan
> On 30.11.2017 21:07, Artur Mrozowski wrote:
>> what if I start two instances of that application?  Does the state migrate
>> between the applications? Is it then I have to use a global table?
>> BR
>> Artur
>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Jan Filipiak <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Haven't checked your code. But from what you describe you should be fine.
>>> Upgrading the version might help here and there but should still work
>>> with
>>> 0.10
>>> I guess.
>>> Best Jan
>>> On 30.11.2017 19:16, Artur Mrozowski wrote:
>>> Thank you Damian, it was very helpful.
>>>> I have implemented my solution in version but there is one
>>>> thing
>>>> I
>>>> still wonder.
>>>> So what I try to do is what is described in KIP 150. Since it didn't
>>>> make
>>>> to the release for 1.0 I do it the old fashioned way.
>>>> Kafka-Streams+Cogroup
>>>> First
>>>> KTable<K, V1> table1 =
>>>> aggregator1, aggValueSerde1, storeName1);
>>>> for all the four topics and then I join the results.
>>>> And here is the thing, the topics are partitioned and I don't used
>>>> global
>>>> tables, nor keyed messages and it seems to work fine.
>>>>   From Confluents documentation one could get impression that when
>>>> reading
>>>> from partitoned topics you need to use global tables. But is it really
>>>> necessary in this case?
>>>> And if not then why?
>>>> Thanks again
>>>> Artur
>>>> Here is the link to my implementation
>>>> java/kstream.demo/
>>>> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 12:10 PM, Damian Guy <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Artur,
>>>>> KafkaStreams is quite old and a lot has changed and been fixed
>>>>> since then. If possible i'd recommend upgrading to at least or
>>>>> 1.0.
>>>>> For joins you need to ensure that the topics have the same number of
>>>>> partitions (which they do) and that they are keyed the same.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Damian
>>>>> On Wed, 22 Nov 2017 at 11:02 Artur Mrozowski <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am joining 4 different topic with 4 partitions each using
>>>>>> version of Kafka Streams.  The joins are KTable to KTable. Is there
>>>>>> anything I should be aware of considering partitions or version of
>>>>>> Kafka
>>>>>> Streams? In other words should I be expecting consistent results or
>>>>>> do I
>>>>>> need to for example use Global tables.
>>>>>> I'd like to run that application on Kubernetes later on. Should I
>>>>>> think
>>>>>> of
>>>>> anything or do different instances of the same Kafka Streams
>>>>>> application
>>>>>> take care of management of the state?
>>>>>> Grateful for any thoughts or a piece of advice
>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>> /Artur

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