We are running kafka on openstack for a testing/staging environment. It runs good and stable, but it obviously is way slower than bare-metal. Simple reason is the distance to the disk (as with any IO batch oriented system on virtualisation) and virtual network.
HTH -wim On Thu, 30 Nov 2017 at 11:22 Viktor Somogyi <viktorsomo...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi folks, > > Recently I bumped into an interesting question: using kafka in virtualized > environments, such as vmware. I'm not really familiar with virtualization > in-depth (how disk virtualization works, what are the OS level supports > etc.), therefore I think this is an interesting discussion from Kafka's > point. As far as I know Kafka is designed for a non-virtualized environment > mainly (although I haven't seen it explicitly anywhere) but thinking of > it's hard reliance on disk optimization I always assumed this. > > Anyone has experiences with virtualized Kafka? Are you aware of any pain > points that people should consider (or performance issues)? > Are there any publications on this topic? > > Regards, > Viktor >