Upgrading brokers without client was always supported :)

Since 0.10.2, it also works the other way round.


On 11/28/17 7:33 AM, Brian Cottingham wrote:
> On 11/27/17, 8:36 PM, "Matthias J. Sax" <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
>     Not sure were you exactly copied this. However, second paragraph here
>     https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#upgrade_10_2_0 explains:
>     > Starting with version 0.10.2, Java clients (producer and consumer) have 
> acquired the ability to communicate with older brokers. Version 0.10.2 
> clients can talk to version 0.10.0 or newer brokers. However, if your brokers 
> are older than 0.10.0, you must upgrade all the brokers in the Kafka cluster 
> before upgrading your clients. Version 0.10.2 brokers support 0.8.x and newer 
> clients.
>     Ah. I see. You copied from the KIP.
>     The "Motivation" sections describes the state _before_ the change :)
> I think we may be talking about different goals; if I understand correctly, 
> you’re discussing upgrading clients without upgrading brokers. I want to do 
> the opposite: upgrade brokers and leave the clients alone. It sounds like 
> that should work fine, right?

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