bq. an older timestamp that allowed

I guess you meant 'than allowed'


On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 2:57 PM, Matthias J. Sax <>

> This is possible, but I think you don't need the time-based index for it :)
> You will just buffer up all messages for a 5 minute sliding-window and
> maintain all message sorted by timestamp in this window. Each time the
> window "moves" you write the oldest records that "drop out" of the
> window to the topic. If you get a record with an older timestamp that
> allowed, you don't insert in into the window but drop it.
> The timestamp index is useful if you want to seek to a specific offset
> base on timestamp. But I don't think you need this for your use case.
> -Matthias
> On 11/21/17 1:39 PM, Ray Ruvinskiy wrote:
> > I’ve been reading
> 33+-+Add+a+time+based+log+index and trying to determine whether I can use
> the time-based index as an efficient way to sort a stream of messages into
> timestamp (CreateTime) order.
> >
> > I am dealing with a number of sources emitting messages that are then
> processed in a distributed fashion and written to a Kafka topic. During
> this processing, the original order of the messages is not strictly
> maintained. Each message has an embedded timestamp. I’d like to be able to
> sort these messages back into timestamp order, allowing for a certain
> lateness interval, before processing them further. For example, supposing
> the lateness interval is 5 minutes, at time T I’d like to consume from the
> topic all messages with timestamp up to (T - 5 minutes), in timestamp
> order. The assumption is that a message should be no more than 5 minutes
> late; if it is more than 5 minutes late, it can be discarded. Is this
> something that can be done with the time-based index?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Ray
> >

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