You have the port ":9090" twice there and the "http://"; protocol should not
be there. You have:
But it should be
Also as I mentioned before the DNS should be only in the


On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:06 PM, Thomas Stringer <>

> Thank you for the reply! I think I'm doing something wrong. I tried using
> exactly verbatim what you had for listeners:
> listeners=CLIENT://:9090 <
> >,PLAINTEXT://:9092
> Only substituting '` for my actual dns name. It seems
> as though it didn't like the '< />' chars. Taking them out, I'm using:
> listeners=CLIENT://:9090,PLAINTEXT://:9092
> And now I'm getting the error 'No security protocol defined for listener
> CLIENT://:9090 HTTP.
> I tried adding to the value
> 'HTTP:PLAINTEXT' but I'm still getting the above error. Any thoughts on
> that?
> Thanks again!
> On 11/07/2017 11:46 PM, Jakub Scholz wrote:
>> Try something like this:
>> listeners=CLIENT://:9090 <
>> >,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>> advertised.listeners=CLIENT://,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>> This will tell the listener to listen on your local ip addresses but to
>> advertise the DNS name.
>> Jakub
>> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 11:04 PM, Thomas Stringer <>
>> wrote:
>> I can't seem to get a listeners and advertised.listeners configuration for
>>> server properties figured out so I can connect remotely with my producer
>>> and consumers.
>>> If I set it like this...
>>> listeners=CLIENT://:9090,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>>> advertised.listeners=CLIENT://:9090,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>>>  From my external client I get a NoBrokersAvailable error. If I try
>>> this...
>>> listeners=CLIENT://,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>>> advertised.listeners=CLIENT://,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>>> I get an error that it can't listen on the meta-address
>>> This is currently being hosted with a public interface, but if I try to
>>> set
>>> this:
>>> listeners=CLIENT://,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>>> advertised.listeners=CLIENT://,PLAINTEXT://:9092
>>> Then I get an error that it can't bind to the requested address. This is
>>> sitting behind some networking infrastructure, as it's obvious ip addr
>>> only
>>> shows my private IP address.
>>> How would I get around this to setup a listener so an external/public
>>> producer/consumer could connect to this broker?
>>> Thank you in advance!

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