I'm trying to use the kafka-consumer-groups.sh tool in order to rewind a consumer group's offset, however it seems to be returning the latest offset regarding of the requested offset.
You can see in the below example that two consecutive commands to reset the offset to a specific point in time return different (increasing) offsets, which are actually the latest offsets for the topic. - The consumer group ("test_consumer") is a console consumer that was started with --from-beginning and terminated after a few seconds, just enough for it to commit its offsets. - The topic data1_log is very busy with thousands of incoming messages per second - The datetime value provided is approx. 5 hours earlier than the current UTC time [admin@broker01] ~> /kafka/latest/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --reset-offsets --group test_consumer --topic data1_log --to-datetime '2017-10-25T13:40:00.000' Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers). TOPIC PARTITION NEW-OFFSET data1_log 8 301485420 data1_log 1 342788637 data1_log 7 287621428 data1_log 3 268612266 data1_log 0 201860717 data1_log 9 202749553 data1_log 4 188974032 data1_log 6 234308481 data1_log 2 263507741 data1_log 5 232707238 [admin@broker01] ~> /kafka/latest/bin/kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --reset-offsets --group test_consumer --topic data1_log --to-datetime '2017-10-25T13:40:00.000' Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers). TOPIC PARTITION NEW-OFFSET data1_log 8 301485491 data1_log 1 342788779 data1_log 7 287621534 data1_log 3 268612364 data1_log 0 201860796 data1_log 9 202749620 data1_log 4 188974068 data1_log 6 234308564 data1_log 2 263507823 data1_log 5 232707293 This issue seems to be topic-specific - there is a different topic (also very active) where the same command consistently returns the correct offsets fixed in the time for the requested datetime. What could be the issue here? Thanks, Dan