Hi all, We're upgrading a Kafka streams application from to and our application is running against a Kafka cluster with version
When we first attempted to upgrade our application to Kafka, we observed that when we deleted the PVCs for the service, and restarted, the new Kafka stream thread task stickiness behavior ( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-4677) had unintentional side-effects. Specifically, in scenarios where PVC recreation is necessary, it appears that the new task stickiness semantics caused the task assignor to prematurely decide that there was only ever going to be one instance of our app in the consumer groups, and therefore all stream threads would be launched on the first instance in the consumer group. Later, when the second and third instance of our app were launched, the task assignor did not take these new instances into account, and none of the partitions were assigned to the second and third instance of our app. We worked around this by deleting the PVCs, and when pod one was running (running as defined by k8s), we would repeatedly kubectl delete the pod until instance 2 and 3 were successfully running as well. Then, we would allow the reprocessing to take place. This caused the task assignor to take into account all pod instances, before making assignments which 'stuck'. I saw with the change that a new broker config was introduced " group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms" however from what I understand this would require upgrading our Kafka cluster to which is not something we will be able to do in the near future. *"The group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms <http://group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms/> config specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the GroupCoordinator will delay the initial consumer rebalance. The rebalance is further delayed by the value of group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms <http://group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms/> as each new member joins the consumer group, up to a maximum of the value set by max.poll.interval.ms <http://max.poll.interval.ms/>. The net benefit is that this can reduce the overall startup time for Kafka Streams applications that have more than one thread. The default value for group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms <http://group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms/> is 3000 milliseconds.In practice this means that if you are starting up your Kafka Streams app from a cold start, when the first member joins the group there will be at least a 3 second delay before it is assigned any tasks. If any other members join the group within the initial 3 seconds, then there will be a further 3 second delay. Once no new members have joined the group within the 3 second delay, or max.poll.interval.ms <http://max.poll.interval.ms/> is reached, then the group rebalance can complete and all current members will be assigned tasks. The benefit of this approach, particularly for Kafka Streams applications, is that we can now delay the assignment and re-assignment of potentially expensive tasks as new members join. So we can avoid the situation where one instance is assigned all tasks, begins restoring/processing, only to shortly after be rebalanced, and then have to start again with half of the tasks and so on."* Similar to the "group.initial.rebalance.delay.ms", are there any configuration values we can tweak to defer sticky task assignment to ensure all instances are running first. Thanks, Laven