Hi Matthias
Does this mean that an offset can be committed before process or punctuate is 
Or that it could be called up to 30s after process/punctuate is called?

We would like to do batch writes in punctuate of X amount messages gathered in 
If the process or punctuate step fails / stream instance restarts we would like 
to reprocess the batch again
Is this a use case that it is intended for or should we use a normal consumer 


> On 24 Oct 2017, at 2:27 AM, Matthias J. Sax <matth...@confluent.io> wrote:
> Committing is independent of process and/or punctuate.
> You can configure your Kafka Streams application commit interval to any
> value you like via `commit.interval.ms` parameter (default is 30 seconds).
> Thus, there is no guarantee when a commit exactly happens with regard to
> calling process and punctuate.
> -Matthias
> On 10/22/17 11:43 PM, Tobias Adamson wrote:
>> Hi
>> What is the contract around Processor.process and punctuate.
>> When will Kafka streams commit the offset
>> After the process method is called successfully or not until punctuate is 
>> called?
>> Regards
>> Toby

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