
we'd like to ask you for clarification of our question.

We have Apache Kafka deployed in the three-nodes Azure cluster. There are three 
Kafka brokers, three ZooKeeper nodes and three back-end services of our app. 
The app uses Apache Kafka as an event store. But for some reasons we couldn't 
upgrade Kafka client so we still have log.message.format.version= and 
Kafka brokers 0.10.2.

We're just considering upgrading Kafka to the version but still we are 
not able to update Kafka clients to newest version (i.e. we still need to use 

The question: Is it completely save and without performance penalty to use new 
Kafka brokers with inter.broker.protocol.version= and old 
log.message.format.version= I mean, is there any performance impact 
using older message format but new inter broker protocol?

Thank you in advance, regards,

Zbyněk Bartoš
Software Developer

Quadient s.r.o.
m: +420.737.436.604
a: tř. Kosmonautů 1294/29, Olomouc



Quadient s.r.o. is a company registered in Krajský soud v Hradci Králové.
Registration Number: C 13472
Registered office: Na Brně 1972, 500 06 Hradec Králové

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