> For my own nefarious reasons, I generally run with enable_auto_commit > == False in my consumers. I'm just using Kafka's default commit > capability, nothing more sophisticated so far. Is it okay to commit > out-of-sequence, effectively allowing me to back up and replay > messages? For example, if I receive offsets 12, 13, 14, and 15, > committing as each is received, then some other external condition > dictates that I should reprocess the message at offset 13 again, can I > simply call ... commit(12) ... ?
Eh... never mind. My calls to commit() are buried in some library code I wrote and promptly forgot about. There is no ability in the default commit mechanism to commit specific offsets. I'll have to cook up some local storage to deal with received-but-not-yet-entirely-processed messages. Apologies for the noise... Skip