bq. There are 7 connectors configured with each connector configured with 8
tasks (Averaging about 4 tasks per connector)

Pardon. I don't quite understand the above setup. Can you describe in more
detail ?

Which version of connector are you using ?


On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 11:30 PM, Dhawan Gajendran <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We had done a POC with kafka s3 connect confluent platform and have been
> trying to move the setup to production. In the current setup we have 7
> kafka topics and each topic drains the messages to a s3 bucket using s3
> confluent connect.
> My setup:
> There are 8 workers distributed across 8 ubuntu JVM instances. There are 7
> connectors configured with each connector configured with 8 tasks
> (Averaging about 4 tasks per connector). Each connector consumes messages
> from an unique kafka topic and writes these messages to an s3 bucket using
> the HourlyParitioner class.
> We recently lost two of our workers and were replaced with two new workers,
> which were assigned the same
> However after bringing up the new worker, all connectors started responding
> with a HTTP 409 error code stating that the workers are rebalancing. I am
> unable to update the configurations of my connectors.
> The system has been continuously trying to rebalance for over 12 hours to
> no awhile.
> My questions:
> 1.) How do I debug my current system state? Can I look at some logs to see
> what's happening and how can I fix this issue.
> I have read through these resources: https://docs.
> and https://docs.
> However, I still do not
> understand how to debug or understand the core problem in my specific case.
> I do realize there seems to be a rebalancing problem occuring when I bring
> up a new worker or add a new task to a connector, but what I do not
> understand is how do I stop this rebalancing or force a rebalance or reset
> of the system to the new setup.
> *Current commands I use for debugging my setup:*
> curl -XGET localhost:8083/connectors/<connector>/config
> curl -XGET localhost:8083/connectors/<connector>/status
> Appended the following into my file:
> ======
> log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
> log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d] %p %m (%c:%L)%n
> ========
> Is there anything else I could do to give me more visibility into my
> system?
> Thanks

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