That is hard to do...

Just deleting the topic might result in data loss, if not all data was
processed by the application yet (note, that repartitioning topics are
also kind of a buffer between subtopologies).

Just manually changing the number of partitions via will
break partitioning (at least for some time) and thus result in incorrect
results. There are also some other dependencies: for example, downstream
subtopologies that do have a state, will have changelog topics that
would need to be "fixed", too.

I guess the simplest way would be, to reset you application completely
and reprocess all data from the input topics:


If you wan to avoid any downtime, deploy the application with a new to reprocess all data. Afterward, stop the old
application and clean up it's state.


On 10/4/17 6:31 AM, Dmitriy Vsekhvalnov wrote:
> Hi all,
> What is correct way to increase RF for existing internal topics that
> kafka-streams create (re-partitioning streams)?
> We are increasing RF for source topics and would like to align
> kafka-streams as well. App part configuration is simple, but what to do
> with existing internal topics?
> Remove them and let kafka-streams re-create? Or use tool to
> increase RF on all internal topics? Other way?
> Thanks in advance.

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