Hi there, The Kafka servers in question were this morning. I upgraded to after discovering this issue but I don’t see any change. Scala 2.11.
A client using the new-style consumer groups is not consuming any new messages because its current committed offset is out of range. I shut down the clients to ensure the consumer group was inactive and checked the offset state: $ kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka.service:9092 --group router —describe | egrep 'TOPIC|app-router-logs’ Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers). Consumer group 'router' has no active members. TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID app-router-logs 0 728660106 2324523934 1595863828 - - - app-router-logs 1 728342585 2324526718 1596184133 - - - app-router-logs 2 728698812 2324430267 1595731455 - - - Resetting the offsets acts like it worked, but doesn’t: $ kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka.service:9092 --group router --reset-offsets --topic app-router-logs --to-latest Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers). TOPIC PARTITION NEW-OFFSET app-router-logs 2 2325666004 app-router-logs 1 2325765832 app-router-logs 0 2325763132 kafka-consumer-groups.sh --new-consumer --bootstrap-server kafka.service:9092 --group router --describe | egrep 'TOPIC|app-router-logs' Note: This will only show information about consumers that use the Java consumer API (non-ZooKeeper-based consumers). Consumer group 'router' has no active members. TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID app-router-logs 0 728660106 2326329513 1597669407 - - - app-router-logs 1 728342585 2326334386 1597991801 - - - app-router-logs 2 728698812 2326237143 1597538331 - - - I’ve also tried —to-earliest, —to-current, and individually setting each partition via —to-offset and there’s no difference. What’s going on here? -shargan