One clarification below:

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 3:50 PM, Ismael Juma <> wrote:

> Comments inline.
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:56 AM, Yogesh Sangvikar <
>> wrote:
>> 2. At which point in the sequence below was the code for the brokers
>> updated to 0.10.2?
>> [Comment: On the kafka servers, we have confluent-3.0.0 and
>> confluent-3.2.2
>> packages deployed separately. So, first for protocol and message version
>> to
>> 0.10.0 we have updated file in running confluent-3.0.0
>> package and restarted the service for the same.
> And, for protocol and message version to 0.10.2 bumb, we have modified
>> file in confluent-3.2.2 & stopped the old package
>> services and started the kafka services using new one. All restarts are
>> done rolling fashion and random sequence (4,3,2,1).]
> You have to set version 0.10.0 in the of the 0.10.2/3.2
> brokers. This is probably the source of your issue. After all running
> brokers are version 0.10.2/3.2, then you can switch the version to 0.10.2.

The last sentence may be clearer with the following change:

"After all running brokers are version 0.10.2/3.2, then you can switch the to 0.10.2 in"


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