Hi, Kafka Users, In the documentation for replication throttling it is mentioned that it should be removed after partitions moved or a broker completed bootstrap ( https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-73+Replication+Quotas#KIP-73ReplicationQuotas-2.HowdoIthrottleabootstrappingbroker? and https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/ )
In an assumption that throttling is configured based on network or drive throughput it seems to be a good idea to have it always enabled. Why is it recommended to turn it off? In addition, we noticed that during broker bootstrap if throttling is not configured and broker got overloaded then we face NotLeaderForPartitionException for a prolonged time span. It doesn't happen replication throttling 10-20% below max throughput. Best, Ivan Simonenko