Thanks for the KIP link. Those metrics will be a nice addition, but the piece I'm most interested in is adding hooks in the Connect API for connectors to define metrics specific to their domain, which this KIP explicitly identifies as out of scope.
I'm currently deploying Confluent's S3 connector, and as an example I would love for that connector to be able to provide metrics about the size and quantity of objects that it's putting to S3. > Hi Jeff, > > There is a KIP going on, would this answer your question? > > > Viktor > On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 2:38 PM, Jeff Klukas <> wrote: > The Kafka docs on Monitoring don't mention anything specific for Kafka > Connect. Are metrics for connectors limited to just the standard > consumer/producer metrics? Do I understand correctly that the Connect API > doesn't provide any hooks for custom connector-specific metrics? If not, is > that something that's on the roadmap at all?