Hi Sameer,

If no clients has transactions turned on the `__transaction_state` internal
topic would not be created at all. So I still suspect that some of your
clients (maybe not your Streams client, but your Producer client that is
sending data to the source topic?) has transactions turned on.

BTW from your logs I saw lots of the following errors on client side:

2017-09-11 12:42:34 ERROR RecordCollectorImpl:113 - task [0_6] Error
sending record to topic c-7-e6-KSTREAM-BRANCHCHILD-0000000007-repartition.
No more offsets will be recorded for this task and the exception will
eventually be thrown

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.*TimeoutException*: Expiring 13 record(s)
for c-7-e6-KSTREAM-BRANCHCHILD-0000000007-repartition-3: 31174 ms has
passed since last append

2017-09-11 12:42:36 WARN  Sender:511 - Got error produce response with
correlation id 82862 on topic-partition
c-7-e6-KSTREAM-JOINTHIS-0000000018-store-changelog-22, retrying (2147483646
attempts left). *Error: NETWORK_EXCEPTION*

2017-09-11 12:42:36 ERROR RecordCollectorImpl:113 - task [0_22] Error
sending record to topic c-7-e6-KSTREAM-BRANCHCHILD-0000000007-repartition.
No more offsets will be recorded for this task and the exception will
eventually be thrown

org.apache.kafka.common.errors.*TimeoutException*: Expiring 13 record(s)
for c-7-e6-KSTREAM-BRANCHCHILD-0000000007-repartition-3: 31467 ms has
passed since last append

Today if the TimeoutException is thrown from the recordCollector it will
cause the Streams to throw this exception all the way to the user exception
handler and then shutdown the thread. And this exception would be thrown if
the Kafka broker itself is not available (also from your previous logs it
seems broker 192 and 193 was unavailable and hence being kicked out by
broker 109 out of the IRS).


On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 3:40 AM, Sameer Kumar <sam.kum.w...@gmail.com>

> Hi Guozhang,
> Please find the relevant logs, see a folder for client logs as well,
> things started getting awry at 12:42:05.
> Let me know if you need any more information.
> -Sameer.
> On Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 5:06 PM, Sameer Kumar <sam.kum.w...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Guozhang,
>> Nope, I was not using exactly-once mode. I dont have the client logs with
>> me right now, I will try to replicate it again and share the other details
>> with you.
>> My concern was that it crashed my brokers as well.
>> -Sameer.
>> On Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 1:51 AM, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Sameer,
>>> I looked through your code, and here is what I figured: in 0.11 version
>>> we
>>> added the exactly-once feature (
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-98+-+E
>>> xactly+Once+Delivery+and+Transactional+Messaging
>>> )
>>> Which uses the transaction log (internal topic named
>>> "__transaction_state")
>>> that has a default replication of 3 (that will overwrite your global
>>> config
>>> value of 2). Then at around 12:30, the leader of the transation log
>>> partition kicked both replicas of 190 and 192 out of the replica:
>>> [2017-09-05 12:30:31,256] INFO [GroupCoordinator 193]: Preparing to
>>> rebalance group KafkaCache_TEST15 with old generation 14
>>> (__consumer_offsets-27) (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator)
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,510] INFO Partition [__transaction_state,9] on
>>> broker
>>> 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,192,190 to 193 (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,513] INFO Partition [__transaction_state,6] on
>>> broker
>>> 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,190,192 to 193 (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,514] INFO Partition [__transaction_state,3] on
>>> broker
>>> 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,192,190 to 193 (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,515] INFO Partition [__transaction_state,18] on
>>> broker 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,190,192 to 193
>>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,515] INFO Partition [__transaction_state,15] on
>>> broker 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,192,190 to 193
>>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,516] INFO Partition [__transaction_state,12] on
>>> broker 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,190,192 to 193
>>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,516] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,12] on
>>> broker
>>> 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,192,190 to 193 (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,517] INFO Partition [__consumer_offsets,15] on
>>> broker
>>> 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,192,190 to 193 (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:30:41,517] INFO Partition [__transaction_state,24] on
>>> broker 193: Shrinking ISR from 193,190,192 to 193
>>> (kafka.cluster.Partition)*
>>> At the mean time, both replicas of 190 and 192 seems to be timed out on
>>> their fetch requests (note the big timestamp gap in the logs):
>>> [2017-09-05 12:26:21,130] INFO Rolled new log segment for 'AdServe-4' in
>>> 1
>>> ms. (kafka.log.Log)
>>> [2017-09-05 12:30:59,046] WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-2-193]: Error in
>>> fetch
>>> to broker 193, request (type=FetchRequest, replicaId=190, maxWait=500,
>>> minBytes=1, maxBytes=10485760, fetchData={__consumer_offsets-
>>> 21=(offset=0,
>>> logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576)
>>> ...
>>> [2017-09-05 12:28:37,514] INFO Deleting index
>>> /data1/kafka/AdServe-5/00000000000405000294.timeindex.deleted
>>> (kafka.log.TimeIndex)
>>> [2017-09-05 12:30:59,042] WARN [ReplicaFetcherThread-2-193]: Error in
>>> fetch
>>> to broker 193, request (type=FetchRequest, replicaId=192, maxWait=500,
>>> minBytes=1, maxBytes=10485760, fetchData={__consumer_offsets-
>>> 21=(offset=0,
>>> logStartOffset=0, maxBytes=1048576)
>>> This caused the NotEnoughReplicasException since any appends to the
>>> transaction logs are required "acks=all, and min.isr=num.replicas".
>>> *[2017-09-05 12:32:11,612] ERROR [Replica Manager on Broker 193]: Error
>>> processing append operation on partition __transaction_state-18
>>> (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)*
>>> *org.apache.kafka.common.errors.NotEnoughReplicasException: Number of
>>> insync replicas for partition __transaction_state-18 is [1], below
>>> required
>>> minimum [3]*
>>> Upon seeing this error, the transaction coordinator should retry
>>> appending,
>>> but if the retry never succeeds it will be blocked. I did not see the
>>> Streams API client-side logs and so cannot tell for sure, why this caused
>>> the Streams app to fail as well. A quick question: did you enable
>>> `processing.mode=exactly-once` on your streams app?
>>> Guozhang
>>> On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 1:34 AM, Sameer Kumar <sam.kum.w...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi All,
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Any thoughts on the below mail.
>>> >
>>> > -Sameer.
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 12:28 PM, Sameer Kumar <sam.kum.w...@gmail.com>
>>> > wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > Hi All,
>>> > >
>>> > > I want to report a scenario wherein my running 2 different instances
>>> of
>>> > my
>>> > > stream application caused my brokers to crash and eventually my
>>> stream
>>> > > application as well. This scenario only happens when my brokers run
>>> on
>>> > > Kafka11, everything works fine if my brokers are on Kafka 10..2 and
>>> > stream
>>> > > application on Kafka11.
>>> > >
>>> > > I am attaching herewith the logs in a zipped format.
>>> > >
>>> > > The cluster configuration
>>> > > 3 nodes(190,192,193) , Kafka 11
>>> > > Topic Replication Factor - 2
>>> > >
>>> > > App configuration
>>> > > Kafka 11 streams.
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > The error I saw on 193 server was org.apache.kafka.common.errors.
>>> > NotEnoughReplicasException:
>>> > > Number of insync replicas for partition __transaction_state-18 is
>>> [1],
>>> > > below required minimum [3]. Both 192,190 servers reported errors on
>>> > failure
>>> > > to read information from 193.
>>> > >
>>> > > Please look for the time around 12:30-12:32 to find the relevant
>>> logs.
>>> > Let
>>> > > me know if you need some other information.
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > Regards,
>>> > > -Sameer.
>>> > >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> -- Guozhang

-- Guozhang

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