May I seek your help about below issue? Currently, I have met a issue as below: 1) I start a zk from docker as below: 2) And then I start the kafka from docker as below: 3) Every work fine, msg can be produced/consumed to/from kafka successfully 4) Then I remove the kafka with command "docker-compose -f kafka.yml down" 5) And then I start the kafka again with command "docker-compose -f kafka up -d", which I encounter below issue: * old topic createby step 2 can't be connected any more (i.e. can't produced/consumed to/from this topic) * For new topic, it only can be send msg, but can't consume msg. (Got error: NOT_COORDINARY_AVAILABLE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are my some research: * It was caused by the zk path "/kafka/brokers/topics __consumer_offsets/partitions/{number}/state" won't be updated by the kafka broker by step, which the leader info is still be the one created by step 2 * And I have tried to set the "unclean.leader.election.enabled" to true, but it doesn't work. * Everything would be ok if I delete the path "/kafka/brokers/topics" manually before step 5 * attach logs from step 2(1st_kafka.log) & step 5(2nd_kafka.log) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May I know the answer about below issue? a) Is there any setting, which will lead the new kafka to update the path "/kafka/brokers/topics/__consumer_offsets/partitions"? b) when will zk path "/kafka/brokers/topics/__consumer_offsets/partitions/{number}/state" be updated? Thanks Nick