Make a topic and then set the retention to 1 hour.  Every 15 minutes, start a 
consumer that always reads from the beginning.


On 9/5/17, 9:28 AM, "Tauzell, Dave" <> wrote:

    What are you going to do with the messages every 15 minutes?
    One way I can think of is to have two consumers in your application.  One 
of them reads messages and just keeps track of the offsets for each hour.  The 
other consumer then uses this info to pull the data.  You could publish these 
offsets to a topic keyed on something like yyyy-mm-dd-hh24 or keep them in 
memory ( if running in the same application ).   You would need some one-time 
process to create the offsets for the first time.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kaustuv Bhattacharya []
    Sent: Sunday, September 3, 2017 1:08 PM
    Subject: Time based data retrieval from Kafka Topic
    *Hi All,*
    *I need a solution to the below Problem statement -*
    *How to retrieve only last 1 hour data from an existing Kafka Topic, on 1st 
& every consecutive (at every 15 mins interval) of the client application?*
    *Note:- The existing Topic is accumulating data since last 6 months.*
    *Kaustuv Bhattacharya*
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