I am consuming from kafka using KafkaSpout of Storm and also in ruby using
ruby-kafka gem (both use new consumer API).

I noticed that after a rolling restart of the kafka cluster. The kafkaSpout
reconsumed all kafka messages ignoring the committed offsets...

What can cause this behavior ?

Attached kafka logs at this time (storm consumers are storm_consumer_1 and
storm_consumer_2 and ruby consumer is ruby_kafka_consumer)

I see these many lines like these for storm consumer but not for ruby

[2017-08-20 12:03:54,270] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Group storm_consumer_2
with generation 52 is now empty (__consumer_offsets-48)
[2017-08-20 12:03:54,701] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: Group storm_consumer_2
with generation 56 is now empty (__consumer_offsets-48)

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