Hi I have a 1 broker and 1 zookeeper on the same VM. I am using Kafka 10.2.1. I am trying to create a topic using below command:
"bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 16 --topic topicTest04" It fails with the below error. Just wondering why admin tools don't think that there is any broker available while the broker is up ? Any input is greatly appreciated. *"Error while executing topic command : replication factor: 1 larger than available brokers: 0* *[2017-08-18 07:05:47,813] ERROR org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidReplicationFactorException: replication factor: 1 larger than available brokers: 0* * (kafka.admin.TopicCommand$)"* Thanks. -- Raghav