Yes, topic names cannot be known before hand and they will keep growing in
Thanks. The partition grouper appears to be working.

On Fri, Jul 28, 2017, 3:28 AM Matthias J. Sax <> wrote:

> Using `PartitionGrouper` is correct.
> As you mentioned correctly, Stream scales via "max number of partitions"
> and thus, be default only create one task for this case.
> Another way would be, to deploy multiple streams applications each
> processing a different topic. Of course, for this you will need know all
> topics names (not sure if this is the case for you).
> -Matthias
> On 7/26/17 7:38 AM, Anish Mashankar wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > I have more than 100 topics in Kafka with one partition each. These 100
> > topics are configured through a regex. When running the application, I
> > found that there is only one task that is being spawned as the default
> > partition grouper in Kafka spawns as many tasks as the maximum number of
> > partitions in a group of topics.
> > Hence, I created a PartitionGrouper that creates a group having only one
> > partition and returns the set of such groups. The TaskID is created
> > something like this: *TaskId(topic.hashCode(), partition). *
> > Is there a better way through which I can guarantee that every task
> listens
> > only to one partition?
> >
> --

Anish Samir Mashankar
R&D Engineer
System Insights

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